Drama Detail: Synopsis woman named Bunrod. With the poor households with children up to six people, so many Mrs.Boonporn Bunrod out of school to work as a breadwinner exceptionally merit. A sister at age 16, was Bunrod boss who is the employer abuse. The escape came on the teacher Orapin. By acting as a mentor teacher Polynesian rat's youngest daughter. Then Bunrod met Jin's eldest son is younger than her teacher. Jin is always belittling Bunrod Bunrod teacher Orapin served with you for years prior acquaintance Bunrod makes sense that Jin was the first man she loves. And when officers found love with Wichuda. Your daughter Valley with Mr Glass. Governor's wife which fit together. I felt like a jilted Bunrod She decided to teacher Orapin Who is like a second mother. Along the way to her since then, following the woman's name Bunrod channel and ONE woman named Bunrod. Daily broadcasts Monday - Tuesday at 20:20 pm.